The only way to fight for yourself is not to be silent.
Per scelta, a Casa di Ringhiera non prendiamo mai posizione nè caldeggiamo movimenti di protesta particolari, ma da sempre siamo contro ogni forma di persecuzione e violazione della libertà’ personale.
Tied Up, il progetto di Anna Bednenko e Dmitry Elagin, nasce e si sviluppa in Russia dove vige un clima di terrore e repressione verso chi, semplicemente ama un persona dello stesso sesso o nasce in un corpo con una sessualità che non sente sua e decide di cambiarlo ( rif. Washington Post ).
Tied Up è un sogno che abbraccia un po’ tutti, che riguarda le libertà’ di ciascuno di poter vivere il proprio quotidiano con spontaneità, senza il timore di essere additati, aggrediti, arrestati.
Per questo il progetto proposto per la open call #Dreaming ci ha molto toccati e abbiamo deciso di pubblicarlo qui, così.
Summer 2019 in Moscow was a summer of protests.
Despite the government’s prohibition people went to the streets. Peaceful demonstrations were violently dispersed by police, innocents went to jail.
Art is a kind of a voice using which you can tell what irritates, disappoints or bothers you, that’s how “Tied Up” was born.
To show how we felt.
In 2020 queers in Russia still feel everyday pressure not to say even more of it.
Government said “There should be only one union legalized: between a man and a woman” (suggested amendments for Article 72 pt.1 of the Constitution) and leaves the status of Secular State by mentioning church in the Constitution (suggested amendments for the Article 67 point 2 of the Constitution) which means giving more power to the homophobic beliefs and actions.
Starting July 4, a new constitution will be in force in Russia, which states that marriage is only between a man and a woman.
So you are TIED UP every now and then: among your family, friends, co-workers and even beloved ones.
You are inconvenient.
1. Corner.
Leaving the closet is inconvenient for both sides.
2. Propaganda.
One of the oldest night clubs in Moscow and the first one to support LGBTQ+ community with so-called “men’s days”. Security yelled at us, promised to break model’s leg and to erase the incident from all the camera records
3. Yama Moscow.
One of the most significant places for opposition youth.
When we arrived and Dima lied down two guys stood above him saying “Aren’t you a man? Stand up!”
4. Nordstar.
Office buildings are places where everyone hides their identity behind strict suits. While you are hiding your inner self trying to control every word, gesture and activity in social life to prevent any rumours. Security told us to leave and called the police.
5. White House.
“Sometimes the rib cage starts to ache in need of some air both literally and metaphorically. That’s human nature: you need to breathe not only to live but even just to exist. In case you don’t want to be accidentally strangled, you’ll need to be seen properly.”
The only way to fight for yourself is not to be silent.
Because it’s like if you don’t even exist.
authors of the project: